We had the most fun at VBS this week and even though it was crazy busy I found time for some fun projects. Since Bestie had a birthday party to go to today we wanted to make something for her friend. I found these great rose felt barretts at http://www.purlbee.com/rose-barrettes/ while we were at it we made one for Bestie too :).

We also made a skirt for our friend that we found at this site
http://www.purlbee.com/liberty-and-neon-skirt/ It's a great skirt and only takes a bit of time and yes we made one for Bestie while we were at it!

Why is it that when I'm so busy I seem to get even more done? Crazy but that seems to be how it works.
Hope you are having a great Saturday.
The Keeper
The Keeper